Open 7 days a week all year round
The Main Nursery
The main nursery is where you will find the vast majority of our plants and trees. Set in a beautiful, leafy and sheltered position, the main nursery offers a relaxing and informative environment in which to browse our wide selection. Each plant and tree is neatly displayed with a helpful information sign and our friendly staff are always available to offer further advice.
The Greenhouse
Our greenhouse is fully stocked with beautiful houseplants, gardening sundries, indoor pots and ornaments and wonderful seasonal bulbs, plants and gifts.
The Sundries Shed
We offer a wide range of products to keep your plants in top condition including fertilizers, pest controllers, plant support and weed suppressants. We also stock a wide range of plant, grass and vegetable seeds.
Seasonal Tables
Our seasonal table displays are constantly changing and being updated to bring you the very best that each season has to offer.
The Shade House
The shade house offers a great range of shade and acid loving plants – from Rhododendrons to Pieris, Azalea, Camelia and many more.